Tennis Betting Guide | Basic Skills

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Tennis is a trendy sport that is receiving a lot of attention from many people today. In this article, Sg777 will introduce the game and guide effective betting.


Like betting on other sports, before learning how to bet on Tennis, there are also rules and regulations that players need to understand. Below are the tennis betting rules that players need to understand, specifically as follows:

 tennis betting

All player bets will be accepted when the match ends. If the match is postponed or replayed for any reason, the bets will no longer be valid.

If the match time changes, whether added or subtracted, to determine the winner or loser, the bet will be invalid.

If the athlete does not participate in the match according to the schedule announced by the organizer. All bets for that player will no longer be valid and they will be canceled.

If a player or team is ejected or withdraws during the match, all bets on that match will be void.

If the match venue is different from the announced venue, and the match must be moved to another venue, all bets will be void.

If the match is postponed for any reason announced by the organizer, all bets will stand when the match is completed.

If the match starts before the time announced in the official schedule, bets placed before the match starts will be considered valid.


Conversely, bets placed after the match has started will not be considered valid.

For the four major championships, Australian Open, US Open, French Open and Wimbledon, the way the results are determined will be different for male and female players. For male players: the player who wins the first three sets first will be considered the winner of the match. For female athletes: the player who wins the first two games first will be considered the winner of the match.

Players must clearly understand these tennis betting rules before learning how to bet. If they do not understand clearly, making mistakes in betting on the wrong bet, thinking they win but actually lose happens very often.

Popular types of bets in Tennis betting

Final result

First is the final result betting form, for this type of bet, the player’s task is to accurately predict which team or athlete will win the match. This is a popular form of betting chosen by many tennis enthusiasts. Because of its simplicity and ease of understanding, it does not make it difficult for anyone.

Tennis handicap betting

The way to bet on Tennis handicap betting is similar but in other sports. For tennis, the team or athlete with a higher rating will handicap the team or athlete with a lower rating. The bookmaker will decide the odds and give the odds based on many different factors. For the tennis team that will accept the first game, the betting result will be calculated based on the final result of the match.

Over/Under Betting

Over/Under Betting is a form of tennis betting that is very familiar to you. The bookmaker will analyze and give hypothetical numbers for the total score of the match. Players rely on that to predict the total score, the over bet is greater than the score, the under bet is less than the score given by the bookmaker. Each choice will give a different payout ratio when the player wins.

Odd/Even Betting

This is a simple type of bet, the player’s job is to predict whether the score in the match will be an odd or even number. Each odd/even bet has a different payout ratio when the player wins. Of course, if the prediction is wrong, the player will lose all the money he bet. The odds of a player winning this type of bet are 50/50, a true one-for-one bet.


This is an article that guides how to bet on tennis and the skills needed for all players. Hopefully, with the above information, you have understood and know how to participate in tennis betting simply and effectively.

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